The monograph examines the history of the formation of the global educational space and its normative and legal support. It touches upon historical and cultural aspects of pedagogical thought formation and civilizational development as well as issues of international standardization and cooperation in education in the context of universal approaches to the problems of training and upbringing. The study pays much attention to the creation and activities of international organizations and highlights their role in the development of global standards for education. A separate section is devoted to international initiatives to ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The book has an extensive list of sources and literature on the issues addressed.
International Standards of Education: History Lessons and Modern Times
300 ₽
- Yu. A. Goryachev, V.F. Zakharov, E.A. Omelchenko
- ISBN 978-5-93125-190-5
- Moscow: Etnosfera, 2023. – 336 p.